Thursday, July 30, 2009

Abandoned Quarry

Abandoned Quarry
Charcoal; 6 1/2" x 5 1/2"

I began this drawing at La Petit Chou's Studio 1201 a few weeks ago, set it aside to work on other things; each time I've returned to it since, I found myself not wanting to do much. To bring this kind of drawing to the more or less uniform level of detail, finish, etc of most of the pieces I show usually requires sacrificing some unfinished-ness I like a lot- And I don't want to give up anything here. So- Done. Click to view at actual size at most browser settings.


Anonymous said...

Wow! I love this! fantastic work Mark.

Mariana Soffer said...

I think is an excelent drawing, a great one I would say, what do you use carbon(something) (I do not know how to say it in english). I am a big fan of black and white drawings.
I understand what you say about not being finished and all that, it is so hard to consider a work of art finished, done. Obsessiness can make us take years to finish a single one.

Mark Reep said...

Thanks, Morgaine. Feeling good about this drawing, and looking forward to exploring this direction. So the positive feedback is very encouraging, and exciting.

Thanks, Mariana. These days I use mostly General Charcoal pencils; this drawing was done mostly with a soft grade, 6B. I've used carbon pencils as well; I'm not sure if there's a difference, or if they're just two different terms for the same product.

One of the things I want to continue to get better at is consistently recognizing that point when a drawing is as good as I can make it, when to do any more will be to do too much. Hopefully, this drawing represents another step in that direction.

Mariana Soffer said...

Charcoal, that is what I meant.
Very interesting what you want to do, I think it is a hard challenge, but I think you are pointing at the right direction for becoming a real artist. I would ask my artist friends what do they think about your drawings, the ones you respect of course, but also follow my instincts. And priactice a lot, that is very important.