Ink, Graphite, Charcoal; 5 5/16" x 2 5/16"
Looking for unframed work for the show at WEG, I found a few other things I'd forgotten. Time and distance bring new perspective- Not always kind, but usually instructive. And sometimes, there are pleasant surprises, too.
Elsewhere, things are going swimmingly at Lara Pawson's new blog, Museum of Doubt. And yes, that's a Markie, and I'm honored.
New to the links list is G. C. Myers' blog Redtree Times. RT is very Gary: Thoughtful, engaging, encouraging, generous with reflection and insight into his approach to artmaking and the life of a working artist. Good stuff.
Good stuff too at Gloom Cupboard #69: New poems by Justin Hyde, Emily Smith, Alishya Almeida, Mignon Ariel King, and my drawing-and-text Lost Dream.
Hawthorn, one of my favourite trees, and one of my all time favourite pictures of yours, :-)
Thank you. It's always interesting to rediscover a drawing I'd more or less forgotten, hadn't seen in awhile. They're all snapshots of moments; each represents something of where I was, what I was trying to learn and achieve at the time. Sometimes, I cringe a little at older work; sometimes, I think, How did I DO that? :) I'm not the best judge of my own work. But this one does seem to be standing up pretty well.
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