Friday, January 11, 2013

Neil Gaiman: Make Good Art

Whatever we make or do or want to, we all need to watch Neil Gaiman's 2012 Commencement Speech at Philadelphia's University of the Arts. If he'd never written Sandman or Neverwhere or American Gods or any of it, this would be enough.


James Jones said...

This is very good. Neil Gaiman is one of my favorite writers and his work crosses over into just about every medium. His work alone is inspiring and this commencement speech is incredible, insifghtful and from his heart. He's giving a lot of himself here.

Mark Reep said...

Agreed on all counts, James. Lotta wisdom, applicable across areas of endeavor, and so inspiring. I believe there's an illustrated book forthcoming. Should be required watching/reading for every student regardless of their path. All best.