Thursday, August 10, 2006

The Lost Episodes, Scene 2

Welcome to Dreams In Black and White: The Art of Mark Reep.

To see more of my work, visit my website,

To read previous blog entries, visit my site's Updates page.

For the last several months, my site's Updates page has been becoming less about events, newly available drawings, etc, and more a journal- albeit a sporadic one- about the work itself. What I've been learning, realizing I need to learn- Which, as always, remains a very great deal. Learning, happily, is a path that need have no end- And no matter how far I've come, I always feel I'm still just at its beginning.

One of the things I've been trying to become better at, more consistent about, is recognizing that point where a drawing is as good as I can make it. No new issue, this. I almost always think I can make this or that element just a little better- And often I can. But often, too, I can't, and any further refining I'm tempted to try won't be enough to noticeably improve the overall look of the drawing. I may end up badly overworking, losing what I had, ending up with less- At worst, blowing the drawing altogether.

Above is an in-progress scan of a recent, unfinished drawing- A drawing I likely should have stopped working on shortly after this point, didn't. One bad decision led to another, and this project became another 'Lost Episode' to chalk up to experience. I like what I had here, wish I'd kept it- But what I learned in the doing of this drawing will find its way into the next, the next. And I'm glad I saved the scan.


xeno said...

Mark, it was so good to find your blog. I've kept up with your work on a regular basis, and have missed you on Wet Canvas. I was afraid you had disappeared!

Amazing drawing, as always, and as always, I can find nothing wrong with it. Whatever you see that you are unhappy about, it doesn't show.


Mark Reep said...

Thanks, guys. I need to consistently recognize those point when I've done enough- When it's time to stop working for now; when a drawing's as good as I can make it. Not my best thing. But I'm working on it.

Andrew Glazebrook said...

Your work is simply astounding,great Blog too,thanks for commenting on mine. I'm going to go back through your blog now and place some comments on the pics I really love !!