Aleta Wynn Yarrow, Catching The Dream
Paper collage, mixed media

Congratulations and best wishes to our friend Aleta Wynn Yarrow, who's been named the new Director of Interpretive Programs at the Everhart Museum of Natural History, Science & Art in Scranton PA.
I first saw Aleta's Catching The Dream years ago in West End Gallery's old space upstairs at 97 West Market. I remember climbing the back stairs, light slanting through the tall window on the landing, and arriving at the top to find this piece hanging on the far wall of the North Gallery. Catching The Dream was my introduction to Aleta's work, and suffice it to say it made a lasting impression.
Aleta's work has always been as personal and uncompromising as any artist I've known. And whatever she does, it's always positive.
The Everhart's gonna like what she brings. She's got all the tools & experience you could ask for- And most importantly, she cares big.
If you know Aleta, these things- especially the latter- are evident. If you don't know her yet, I hope you get the chance.
We all wish our best for Aleta...
I am so glad she has found this job and the rewards it will bring to her and to those who will come to know her...She is a great person! (c;
I am really excited to see what will transpire as far as Aleta's own work, now that she won't feel the pressure to have to cater her work to specifically sell. I have long thought she was one of the purest, truest to self artists I have ever met. There is no artifice in Aletaor her work.
Parnilla's right-- she's a great person and the Everhart is lucky to get her.
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